The story of Skyline begins as a story of friendship. Louis and Vince initially met in 2006 during their first year of high school. They immediately bonded over sports and gaming. Vince would later introduce online multiplayer to Louis and over the next six years they focused heavily on gaming and creating YouTube content. In 2013, the duo expanded by adding their third musketeer, Anthony. Louis and Anthony met in a college math class and he immediately became a welcomed addition to the squad. After five years of gaming together, the trio realized that they could do more within the gaming community and it was at that moment that Skyline Network was born.
Skyline Network strives to be a family centric gaming community focused on connecting gamers together. The goal is to create and grow a centralized brand where gamers find value in spending their time outside of the lobby. It’s a place where you can discuss all things gaming, connect with a variety of players and even find new teams to squad up with. We’re bringing back the old-school gamer vibe where everyone is part of the #SKYCREW